Vega Wallet


About Vega Wallet

Vega Wallet replaced Venus Point which was discontinued in June 2022.

You can transfer your account by logging into Venus Point and pressing the [Transfer my account to Vega Wallet]button.

How to withdraw

  1. Enter the amount you wish to withdraw and submit your withdrawal request.
    *After the request is completed, it will be reflected in your Vega Wallet account.

  2. Log into Vega Wallet's My Page.

  3. Press "Redeem points" in the top menu.

  4. When the bank account screen appears, enter the points you wish to withdraw.
    *If you haven't registered your bank account, press "Click here to register your bank account" to set it up. After you complete the registration, you will be returned to the payment processing screen.

  5. After entering all the information, click "Agree and redeem".

  6. Once the withdrawal process is complete, the money will be credited to your bank account.